Perri Watercolor Cut Out Mini Dress
Perri Watercolor Cut Out Mini Dress
AED 30.00-59%AED 74.00

My fantasy day would be waking up without alarm, going to the beach and eating breakfast there (something like a picnic). Then we go home, we have a shower and we start getting ready while we are listening and dancing with loud music. Later we go to a Harry Styles concert wearing Perri Watercolor Cut Out Mini Dress and we have the best time of our lives. We would finish the day in the bed, feeling very exhausted, but still going over all the photos and videos we took during the day with a smile in our faces. This plan isn't only perfect for a couple, you can spend valentine's day with friends or family, you will have the same fun! --- @martaterol

متعدد الألوان/المقاس
مزيد من خيارات الأحجام
اقتراح للمقاسات
إضافة إلى السلة
مواصفات المنتج
My fantasy day would be waking up without alarm, going to the beach and eating breakfast there (something like a picnic). Then we go home, we have a shower and we start getting ready while we are listening and dancing with loud music. Later we go to a Harry Styles concert wearing Perri Watercolor Cut Out Mini Dress and we have the best time of our lives. We would finish the day in the bed, feeling very exhausted, but still going over all the photos and videos we took during the day with a smile in our faces. This plan isn't only perfect for a couple, you can spend valentine's day with friends or family, you will have the same fun! --- @martaterol
    نمط Deets
    • نوع الارتداء: عادي
    • محيط الخصر: ارتفاع متوسط
    • الطول: قصير
    • فتحة الرقبة: فتحة رقبة واسعة مستديرة / فتحة رقبة على شكل حرف U
    • التكوين: 65% بوليستر 35% قطن
    معلومات التصميم
    • المناسبة: رسمي يومي
    • نوع النمط: تجريدي
تعليمات العناية
  • تُغسل بالماء البارد

  • لا تستخدمي التنظيف الجاف

  • تُجفف على حرارة منخفضة

  • تُكوى على درجة حرارة منخفضة